This is a drawing I did for Kory Anders for her birthday, and I'm not showing the entire drawing only a part of it, and also Sorry kory, your drawings, and presents will be a little late, but they are coming they are I just still need to recieve the last part of your gift and I'll be sending it on mwhah I will :D :p and in the drawing we have Electro, one of my personal favorite villains, with Tim Drake and part of Nightwing.

A late update today. Things were a bit busy today working on a few new layouts, and drawings, plus blogger had its downtime, and well you know I didn't want to wait around until I could post, but now I am as I sit down for my dinner yes ir some hamburger helper makes a great meal and its easy to make :p and one of my favorite meals besides pizza, ribs, and well I think that might be it :p well enough about food you are here to see my latest warm up sketch and here you are.

I've drawn Wonder girl once or twice before, but not in her new costume or well not really an outfit, just a pair of jeans and shirt with her insignia on it, which I think works for her. Though I do hope you like my take on her, but I can see that her face still needs a bit of work. I'll worry about that later.
Her hair is what I like the most and the most fun to draw in my personal opinion. I've always loved how hair flows and can add much to an image whether they just be standing still, flying, running, jumping, ect.. Its a simple drawing and kind of looks as if she is running on the clouds rather than flying but it works to me.

Yes it is the Huntress I say heheh it is and its in a new style that I saw while I was sufing the net it was a great style mainly used with different markers or pen like things :p yea I know what I'm talking about :p
Though I used my tablet to recreate the style of it, well anyway this is my first attempt at drawing out the Huntress and I like how she turned out though there are a few things that I would like to change but to be honest I am a bit lazy to change it :P I might but it is just for practice :p

This is yet another Titans of Tomorrow inspired drawing thanks to Kory Anders. She had suggested a female Nightwing before I heard of the Titans of Tomorrow and yes she can fly and is half Tamaranean just like her sisters Mar'i Grayson, and Lili'a Grayson. Can you guess who their father is? huh? :P I do like the concept of a female Nightwing yet this drawing of mine doesn't quite give off the feel I wanted it to, but thats alright, thats why I am doing these warm ups to practice.
She has all the powers of her mother starbolts, strength and the combat expertise that her Father Dick Grayson has, just like his other daughters.
I hope you all enjoy the new layout all meaning one Kory Anders :D :p because I know she probably is the only one watching my new blog, but thats alright. I still enjoyed figuring out how the blogger layout worked and I'm still learning hopefully now this will help me and my artwork to stand out a bit more. Thats all from me now.

The Titans of Tomorrow how cool and bad ass are they? They are pretty cool to me and I have only just started to like them. Batman-Tim Drake is killer no really he is :p from what I can see and have read a bit of them they are doing good or they think they are.
This warm up was inspired by Tim Drake as Batman, and original characters by Liz, Lili'a and Arianna Tamaraneans. Arianna will be added later tonight into the drawing and will be completed.

I have recently started doing some warm ups of different characters before I start on my work and I must say that it does help me quite a bit to loosen me up before tackling the current comic project I am working on. To all who see my little blog I am still accepting Commissions Digital and real medium, set prices are $20 for a single character commission and $5 for each additional character(s).
And now on to why you are here, you just want to see my artwork don't cha! Huh? huh?! HUH?! ok you don't have to but its pretty nice drawings :p and the warm up I have to show is one I did yesterday of Blackfire she has currently become one of my favorite villains, along with the Red Hood (Jason Todd), Electro, Red X, and quite a few others.

I have finally finished up the sample drawings for my commissions yes I understand that some things are wrong or a bit off, but I do try to do quality work in all that I draw whether it be traditional pencil and paper or tablet and laptop.
A little information for the commissions. Its twenty dollars for a single character commission, and an additional five for any other characters. All commissions would have a minimal background depending on what is wanted, full backgrounds cost a bit more and so Email me for the pricing.
I offer cheap commissions with quality work, if you wish for something that isn't listed here like digital medium enquire in an email. I do draw in both real and digital mediums. However any and all questions can be emailed Here and I will anwser any all questions that you have concerning payment methods, shipping, ect.

This will be my new home of my current artwork, commissioned, requested, and things that I decided to doodle and or draw. My work is a bit different and I have one or two projects that I am currently working on that I will post pages here and there, when I finaly finish some of the pages.
Now getting back to my artwork, I am available for commissions, and other work in penciling. My work is for sale and most if not all that I do draw can be found on ebay. I'll leave links to current works I am selling.
Also bare with me this is my first time using blogger and still need to learn how to use the thing.
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Cryptozoic - The Walking Dead Sketch Cards
Cryptozoic - Liberty Sketch Cards
Archie/March of Dimes Sketch Cards
St. Luke Pharmacy T-Shirt Design