Updates/Coming art/yea

Its a new Year, a new year to bodly go where..ok every comic artist has gone there :\ to get published. Yes I'm finally going to suck it up and put my nose to the grindstone. My current project Bohdi will be published by me. The first issue will be 32 pages long with additional content that no one has ever seen because, no one ever finds my blog and I don't post much of it anyway.

Along with my to publish Bohdi, I said I would lose weight, post my artwork on different various sites and what not, but who can tell which resolutions I probably won't fullfill? If you said all three your probably right :P but only time will tell, I have no real reason to lose weight well ok there is probably one to live longer and not die alone. Eh who am I kidding, to live longer.

Well this was kind of pointless I thought I had more to talk about, but I guess not. I'll be back with more things.

