To Draw..

It happens to the best and well not so great like me, but I have a drawing block not sure why but I have had it for a looooonnnng time. I have drawings that need to be done, but I can't because they lack emotion, and look plain when I put them down on paper. So I've been trying to not think about it just try and doodle off and on, and no it hasn't helped one bit :p, So what to do now?

I hate this feeling of being a failure, I can't even draw a simple sketch of a head. Though it might be because I've been trying to force myself to draw these certain things when I should just draw whatever. Hmmm.. that sounds like a great idea, I shall just draw whatever comes to me though nothing is coming to me hmm...this sucks, but what can you do?

Alright well I'm off to draw.

