As you can probably tell there wasn't an update last Sunday that was my fault. I didn't feel good and well a few other things. Though now I am better I'm working on finishing up the strip, making yet again a brand new layout for. Milife.comicgenesis.com One that I will keep, for a very very long time because I'm getting a little sick of making new layouts for it. And as for donations the guest appearance will happen as scheduled and will appear on the 17th. Also for donations the first Milife wallpaper has been created and will be available for all once I upload the thing.
But I leave you now with an original character I created for Bohdi. Her name is Goddess and is know as Goddess of The Underworld. She was orphaned when a clan of vampires killed her family leaving her as the only survivor. Her weapon of choice is a short sword and wields a remarkable Numen power.
Bohdi Characters © 2006 Christian Thomas and may not be used without specific written permission by the Artist. This means hands off.