I know, I've changed layouts one after another, and well thats alright I finally found one that I like and I just need to make a new banner for the top up there and I will eventually or hopefully I will but just wait and see and there might be a new banner up there that actually fits in with my blog.
Watch a little drawing of mine of Goddess and vote if you like it :D I'll do more of these in time.
So I finally got around to upgrading my blog with the new thingy and bobby and such yea I have no clue what it means, but its been updated and my old blog layout was removed and I have this one now. Its only temporary until I get up my new blog layout its going to be simple very simple nothing fancy because I hate spending time working on new graphics and such so it will just be a simple layout.
Edit: Still working things out though the layout is up, just need to clean up a few things and add a few things.
Edit x2: And yes again I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm doing things to make it look nice.
Edit: Still working things out though the layout is up, just need to clean up a few things and add a few things.
Edit x2: And yes again I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm doing things to make it look nice.
This is my attempt at Harley Quinn. Its my second or third attempt at drawing her, but I like how she turned out in this pose, her weapons however I need more work on but thats for another time.
I wanted Quinn to look evil sort of planning something or watching one of her little evil deeds unfold. Enjoy.
I wanted Quinn to look evil sort of planning something or watching one of her little evil deeds unfold. Enjoy.

I had many ideas for this drawing I wanted it to look like they were about to get into a heap of trouble, I also wanted to use this for my new blog design that I've been working on. However though I realized do I need a new layout for my blog? The answer is yes, so I've been working on a brand new layout for my blog, and it wil be my first CSS layout its kind of easy but hard if you have no clue what you are doing and seeing how its my first I have no idea what I'm doing sometimes it looks alright sometimes not but what can you do? Any way stay tuned for a brand new layout, It may and may not feature this drawing here but it might.

It's me again, and well I'm not back because my artwork has gotten any better, so no artwork to show their might be some day but you never know. I'm just going to post up some well randomness because thats all I really have to show and I don't want my little blog to die out well it already has but you don't know that.
Hmmm this entry is a bit pathetic oh well better ones will come in the future maybe hopefully.
Hmmm this entry is a bit pathetic oh well better ones will come in the future maybe hopefully.
Lets cut right to the chase, you probably won't be seeing much of any drawings on here anymore, well you will be able to see my past little drawings that I have done already on the blog, but I probably won't update this blog as often. the Stuffedlightningbolt.com url is no longer mine and thats alright well ok its still mine until tomorrow but I don't really care enough to pay for it again. Regarding drawings I won't stop drawing, I will however be working on refining my skills and until that day I think they are good only then will I possibly post up some drawings.
I know I have had many projects that never saw the light of day or have and fizzled out, So projects aren't my strong point and drawing is more like a great fun hobby for me noe and I know I will never go anywhere with it no matter how much I have told myself I would :P its time to think about what I'm going to do now maybe do the course to be a pharmacy tech many places want them who knows :P
Edit: Also for anyone who wants to know I also lost 8 pounds this month Booyah!! Yes its a big accomplishment for me because I never really cared about loosing weight but now its become one of my top priorities :P hopefully next month I can continue that streak and lose 8 or even more only time will tell :P
I know I have had many projects that never saw the light of day or have and fizzled out, So projects aren't my strong point and drawing is more like a great fun hobby for me noe and I know I will never go anywhere with it no matter how much I have told myself I would :P its time to think about what I'm going to do now maybe do the course to be a pharmacy tech many places want them who knows :P
Edit: Also for anyone who wants to know I also lost 8 pounds this month Booyah!! Yes its a big accomplishment for me because I never really cared about loosing weight but now its become one of my top priorities :P hopefully next month I can continue that streak and lose 8 or even more only time will tell :P
Ok I'm not sure if I have put this drawing up its an old one and well I don't even know if I put it up here before I might have but I just don't really know, I could go through all my past entries but I'm lazy and don't want to :p so I'm just going to put it up here and I hope you all enjoy.
This is of Mar'i and Tim Jr, fighting to the death! Ok maybe not to the death, but they are fighting and I like how this one turned out even if it is an old drawing.
This is of Mar'i and Tim Jr, fighting to the death! Ok maybe not to the death, but they are fighting and I like how this one turned out even if it is an old drawing.
Well last night, about well not sure I think maybe around ten pm or somewhere before that a huge storm came in it was slow at first nothing too big lights began to flicker, then thunder lightning, and then wind terrible wind that began to rip things around. Glass shattering, roofing and shingles flying off roofs.
It was bad, and neighbors one named Beverly had her two giant trees snapped in half giant trees that took out powerlines and blocked the roads and the further down we went me and my dad we saw that even more trees had been ripped or snapped. One tree smashed into a large window shattering it. Then next to it the tree was completely uprooted and had taken out even more lines. so far I have seen about four uprooted trees not even the elementary school was safe their trees were uprooted and downed power lines all over the place.
Pictures coming soon so check back.
This is one of the big trees that was near bev's house it snapped right off in the middle and they both came crashing down taking down power lines and phone lines and blocking the road. took police, and fire rescue three to four hours to get the trees out of the way and then the people next door started to complain not wanting that tree on there yard when they moved it at about one in the morning to clear the roads because a clean up crew was going to come in and get it when they can.
To be honest I have no Idea who this guy is but he was friendly and waved while I was taking pics his tree was huge. Not sure if you could tell he had it pretty much cut down and hauled off but that stump was uprooted by the wind.
Now this is amazing look at this. What you see before you is a cut up tree now this isn't their tree. This tree fell and was uprooted across the street so you can imagine how big it was to get across the street and almost crash through their living room window.

Now this is the tree across the street they had already cut it to get it out of the road, but look at it. Uprooted and look at the size of it man its big and thats what made it across the street and to the neighbors yard and house.

Here are some more tree damage and such.
Even the poor little trees next to the elementary school didn't survive the winds these were dragged from the buildings and set to rest there poor trees :\

Here's another uprooted tree and a phone line it looks like because there isn't any fire though I guess the power could be turned off. I know you can't really tell but there is a house behind all of that fallen tree.
It was bad, and neighbors one named Beverly had her two giant trees snapped in half giant trees that took out powerlines and blocked the roads and the further down we went me and my dad we saw that even more trees had been ripped or snapped. One tree smashed into a large window shattering it. Then next to it the tree was completely uprooted and had taken out even more lines. so far I have seen about four uprooted trees not even the elementary school was safe their trees were uprooted and downed power lines all over the place.
Pictures coming soon so check back.
Now this is the tree across the street they had already cut it to get it out of the road, but look at it. Uprooted and look at the size of it man its big and thats what made it across the street and to the neighbors yard and house.
Here are some more tree damage and such.
Here's another uprooted tree and a phone line it looks like because there isn't any fire though I guess the power could be turned off. I know you can't really tell but there is a house behind all of that fallen tree.
I have quite a few drawings to show you all ok some I won't be showing for certain reasons, but there are a few I can show you. First up, Starfire sitting in a tree with Robin coming up to give her a flower, Second, Blackfire not in a very happy mood with Jason Todd (Red Hood). Third, we have Robin and Starfire enjoying a little ride in the Towers elevator together. And finally I bring you Robin and Starfire once more enjoy!!!

Yes I am alive, and I have brought drawings well, there are some drawings that I won't show because they aren't for everyones eyes mwahaha :D :p Simply because they might be a bit too..how to say rowr :p but I will show you some sketches I've done just because and slapped some of the worst colors onto them not all but some. I hope you all enjoy!!

Here is a drawing that I did yesterday and yes its colored I know I rarely color anything but lately I have had the urge to color and it also helps in practicing my coloring technique which basically is lap some color on it and hope it looks good :p though I'm getting better at thinking about the kind of mood I want to set with my colored drawings so they don't look like just a mess of color.
Naiara youngest daughter to Dick and Kory. Naiara Character created by Liz. I hope you enjoy.
Naiara youngest daughter to Dick and Kory. Naiara Character created by Liz. I hope you enjoy.

Yup it is my birthday I am....23 woot well not sure what the woot is for but its good :P and some small little facts for you all. My Birthday is the same as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I know you all wanted to know that but I just find it pretty neat mwahaha :D :p I don't have any new drawings to show just yet, so I will leave you with a couple of my old drawings.
One of Ari as Robin I'm not sure if I ever showed it :p and the second is of Lili'a and Tim. Enjoy.

One of Ari as Robin I'm not sure if I ever showed it :p and the second is of Lili'a and Tim. Enjoy.

Here is a drawing and coloring of Starfire as Queen of Tamaran. Her new outfit design by Liz, and it is quite a nice new look for Koriand'r now I just need to draw the King of Tamaran next to her and I will be sometime soon only time will tell when I get him drawn and colored up. But I hope you enjoy my drawing of Koriand'r.
More drawings and colored will be coming just need to draw and color them and it takes a little time to get them colored :D :P
More drawings and colored will be coming just need to draw and color them and it takes a little time to get them colored :D :P

Yes I did, I went wild with color and I like the results sure there are still a few things I need to work out on it but over all I like it. As you can probably tell this is the colored version of my banner image up above right there ^ and I might replace it with the colored version or I might not. who knows I'll see which one I like the best and surprise you all :D

I think I went a little wild with the grass :p but I'm still learning how to make grass look like grass.

I think I went a little wild with the grass :p but I'm still learning how to make grass look like grass.
It has taken me to this moment, to realize, that I don't have all the sisters drawn or colored. I have forgotten about Naiara but she will be drawn and colored and place beside her sisters in due time, but first I have two sisters to show for May and this is just a start more is soon to come, and hopefully more commissions. :P

This was a little mini comic I started to draw up about Starfire, Koriand'r I wanted to show a different side of her on her home planet which in the time of the mini comic is being ruled by Blackfire with an iron fist. There was much more to the story I had in mind but I can't quite remember it since its been so long since I've worked on it. So I've decided that I probably won't finish it so I'll show you all what I have done so far.
Also you might be wondering what the heck is going on in it all and so here is a little rundown of it all Starfire home on Tamaran is arrested by order of Blackfire, and is discussing her plan with a boy who is yet unknown but would have been revealed through out the comic but he'll remain a mystery for now. Now upon reaching the Palace the guards have her ready to be taken in when an unknown Tamaranean girl comes to Kory's aid and thats where it ends.
Also you might be wondering what the heck is going on in it all and so here is a little rundown of it all Starfire home on Tamaran is arrested by order of Blackfire, and is discussing her plan with a boy who is yet unknown but would have been revealed through out the comic but he'll remain a mystery for now. Now upon reaching the Palace the guards have her ready to be taken in when an unknown Tamaranean girl comes to Kory's aid and thats where it ends.
Yea I said I was back and I am, but I haven't had anything I've been proud of to show recently but I'm slowly starting to get back into the groove of things, and so more artwork will be going up. I have had a recent commission that you can find here. I'm still getting things together and I know you are probably tired of hearing that but what can you do? Things are still going on and finding inspiration to draw is a bit hard for me lately.
Other than that look at this!!! My new pencils came in today and well that really gives me quite a bit of motivation to draw and test those babys out :P they are pencils I know but look at them they rock :D

Other than that look at this!!! My new pencils came in today and well that really gives me quite a bit of motivation to draw and test those babys out :P they are pencils I know but look at them they rock :D
I'm back after a well long long time of being away from well the blog. Things this past month have been well a wild ride, a terrifying, scaring ride but the good thing now is that everything is better now, well ok not really better but getting there and hopefully in no time things will be even better. I know that I haven't been drawing much only a few drawings here and there, but my past projects and webcomics are well over it was fun to do but things are making it harder to keep up with my webcomics and such, so it will be back to basic illustrations of different random characters, of my kid books that I will be writing and publishing myself which you will eventually be able to find on Amazon.com
The first book in a series of three will be the Pheonix who stole my candy by Christian Thomas and Barry Thomas, illustrated by Christian Thomas. I know I don't have much to show except for a couple of pen and ink illustrations, and the cover which I will put up once I get it all colored up, so you will all have to just wait and see what else I put on my blog now that I am back.
The first book in a series of three will be the Pheonix who stole my candy by Christian Thomas and Barry Thomas, illustrated by Christian Thomas. I know I don't have much to show except for a couple of pen and ink illustrations, and the cover which I will put up once I get it all colored up, so you will all have to just wait and see what else I put on my blog now that I am back.
Well, I've been in a little art slump I am slowly working my way out of it and hopefully soon I can well get back to well drawing more though its not really getting me anywhere but I have fun drawing so thats all that really matters. No drawings but I did take some random pics of my drawing area, and yes that is a black stuffed cat on top of my drawing board.
Ok so its only one picture, but I'll list a few things you can see on my desk well one being my Red Bird little car its pretty cool isn't it? your jealous I know :P ok next to that or up I guess is my little holder of pencils, pens, lead, erasers, and above that many comic books Spider-Man, Superman, Titans go, Supergirl, Teen Titans, and there is more just didn't want to bring them out to photo them :p next to the comics is who else Electro looking badass :p next to that is my portable drawing table and my stuffed cat, and then next to it all is my psp and in the back there, are some kick ass drawings :D :P and well thats my drawing space ok so there's a tv, a ps2, dreamcast, GBA, and movies and a bunch of other stuff there too. Hmm makes me wonder how I actually get anything drawn there. Drawings to come.
Ok so its only one picture, but I'll list a few things you can see on my desk well one being my Red Bird little car its pretty cool isn't it? your jealous I know :P ok next to that or up I guess is my little holder of pencils, pens, lead, erasers, and above that many comic books Spider-Man, Superman, Titans go, Supergirl, Teen Titans, and there is more just didn't want to bring them out to photo them :p next to the comics is who else Electro looking badass :p next to that is my portable drawing table and my stuffed cat, and then next to it all is my psp and in the back there, are some kick ass drawings :D :P and well thats my drawing space ok so there's a tv, a ps2, dreamcast, GBA, and movies and a bunch of other stuff there too. Hmm makes me wonder how I actually get anything drawn there. Drawings to come.

I haven't been posting many drawings other than the three pages of the little Tamaran story I'm doing for fun so I decided to put up some that I drew a while ago. One you can find on my DA account, and the others are just for my blog. Though you can see on the top there I have a fanart drawing of Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable, and Rufus for one reason only and thats because season 4 is on the air. It started Feb. 10 with four brand new Kim Possible episodes and yes I watched it, twice actually and its still a great show.

I haven't posted anything in a long long while, for well one reason motivation. As you can probably tell Milife, and Bohdi aren't up yet for one reason I'm working on other things at this moment in time that are more interesting sure my own stories and projects are interesting but just something about drawing Tamaraneans, space inspires me to draw more. This little story has come from my well little head its not the greatest of stories and to be honest I haven't had time to put in the text so its just the images. I will be changing page three panels 4-6 to flow a bit better whats going on in it just well doesn't show.

EDIT:: You know that thing about my sister thats going on? huh huh I know you, she told my parents and mentioned my name :\ so guess what I get to do? I get to walk that last mile because my parents have some questions for me. Why god why?! ok thats all from me.
Alright so this isn't a post for updates or what not this is mostly for me a list of things that I need to do that will be checking off as I complete them.
1-Milife Strip #10+
2-Bohdi Pencils finished 1-28
3-Tamaranean pages 1-3
4-Random drawings
--Teen Titans
--Scarlet Spider
--Batman & Robin
--Super Girl
5-Practice coloring
6-work on backgrounds
Alright so this isn't a post for updates or what not this is mostly for me a list of things that I need to do that will be checking off as I complete them.
1-Milife Strip #10+
2-Bohdi Pencils finished 1-28
3-Tamaranean pages 1-3
4-Random drawings
--Teen Titans
--Scarlet Spider
--Batman & Robin
--Super Girl
5-Practice coloring
6-work on backgrounds
I've had a bad headache for the last couple of days, so anything that I had planned has been put on hold for a couple days, Milife and Bohdi. Though on a good note I have finished inking the first page of Bohdi and still working on the others, so expect the first page to be up soon. Milife is going to be taking a different turn in an artistic way. I normally drew it with my tablet I liked the cartoon sort of way I did it, but recently I have found that my characters look more interesting hand drawn so coming January some time the brand new Milife will appear.
I don't have much to really say I'm still trying to get rid of my headache but its been going good so far. I leave you with a drawing of Blackfire.
I don't have much to really say I'm still trying to get rid of my headache but its been going good so far. I leave you with a drawing of Blackfire.

Its a new Year, a new year to bodly go where..ok every comic artist has gone there :\ to get published. Yes I'm finally going to suck it up and put my nose to the grindstone. My current project Bohdi will be published by me. The first issue will be 32 pages long with additional content that no one has ever seen because, no one ever finds my blog and I don't post much of it anyway.
Along with my to publish Bohdi, I said I would lose weight, post my artwork on different various sites and what not, but who can tell which resolutions I probably won't fullfill? If you said all three your probably right :P but only time will tell, I have no real reason to lose weight well ok there is probably one to live longer and not die alone. Eh who am I kidding, to live longer.
Well this was kind of pointless I thought I had more to talk about, but I guess not. I'll be back with more things.
Along with my to publish Bohdi, I said I would lose weight, post my artwork on different various sites and what not, but who can tell which resolutions I probably won't fullfill? If you said all three your probably right :P but only time will tell, I have no real reason to lose weight well ok there is probably one to live longer and not die alone. Eh who am I kidding, to live longer.
Well this was kind of pointless I thought I had more to talk about, but I guess not. I'll be back with more things.
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First off is Lili'a, created by Liz Hartley, and Mar'i Grayson. Just some fun little sketching.
Two drawings to show you this time. Commissioned Teen Titans with Original Character next to Robin. Zatanna just trying to see if I could ...
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Black Canary
Black Cat
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Black rose electro felt pen pencil
blue Raven
Brainiac 5
Captain Marvel
fantastic four
Gina Eastland
Harley Quinn
into the Rockies
Lightning Lad
Milife News
Miss Martian
Poison Ivy
power girl
Red Hood
Saturn Girl
Scarlet Witch
Sketch Cards
Sketchbook pro
super villain
Teen Titans
Tshirt Logos
Wonder Woman
Previous Work
Cryptozoic - DC New 52 Sketch Cards
2011Cryptozoic - The Walking Dead Sketch Cards
Cryptozoic - Liberty Sketch Cards
Archie/March of Dimes Sketch Cards
St. Luke Pharmacy T-Shirt Design