Well last night, about well not sure I think maybe around ten pm or somewhere before that a huge storm came in it was slow at first nothing too big lights began to flicker, then thunder lightning, and then wind terrible wind that began to rip things around. Glass shattering, roofing and shingles flying off roofs.
It was bad, and neighbors one named Beverly had her two giant trees snapped in half giant trees that took out powerlines and blocked the roads and the further down we went me and my dad we saw that even more trees had been ripped or snapped. One tree smashed into a large window shattering it. Then next to it the tree was completely uprooted and had taken out even more lines. so far I have seen about four uprooted trees not even the elementary school was safe their trees were uprooted and downed power lines all over the place.
Pictures coming soon so check back.
This is one of the big trees that was near bev's house it snapped right off in the middle and they both came crashing down taking down power lines and phone lines and blocking the road. took police, and fire rescue three to four hours to get the trees out of the way and then the people next door started to complain not wanting that tree on there yard when they moved it at about one in the morning to clear the roads because a clean up crew was going to come in and get it when they can.

To be honest I have no Idea who this guy is but he was friendly and waved while I was taking pics his tree was huge. Not sure if you could tell he had it pretty much cut down and hauled off but that stump was uprooted by the wind.

Now this is amazing look at this. What you see before you is a cut up tree now this isn't their tree. This tree fell and was uprooted across the street so you can imagine how big it was to get across the street and almost crash through their living room window.

Now this is the tree across the street they had already cut it to get it out of the road, but look at it. Uprooted and look at the size of it man its big and thats what made it across the street and to the neighbors yard and house.

Here are some more tree damage and such.

Even the poor little trees next to the elementary school didn't survive the winds these were dragged from the buildings and set to rest there poor trees :\

Here's another uprooted tree and a phone line it looks like because there isn't any fire though I guess the power could be turned off. I know you can't really tell but there is a house behind all of that fallen tree.