All about my Master Plan: Read it here.
One Week update fact about me: Can once again wear an XL shirt
Listening to: Teen Titans Theme Song
Well lets see not much..for some reason really slacking. Though I am going to be putting and end to that because one I'm not getting any money by just sitting here and well just drawing so I've been working on a few little things some I will put here when they are ready to show. But first I shall show you about the Ha's you see I've decided you know just going up and saying HA to the people that have hurt me or such was well a little weak so I am putting together a 250 shapped business cards that I will hand out after I say Ha to well help these people to becaome less shallow and what not you can see it here. Now remember this is still in development so just bare with me on it. :p Though to be honest not sure if 250 will be enough well I guess it will be to start :p though I know I'll be handing these things out left and right.
Now on to the second thing I'm working on a new shirt logo design for well me and for also everyone who wants one it will be design about well me to be honest it will be a cool little thing that i think some might find Roc Cool :p wow been ages since I've used that. The shirt logo is still in limbo I have a few sketches but nothing too solid at the moment but when I do you can be sure that there will be hats, and other crap I can stick it on :p
On an art related note I have been doing a bit of logo design, now I won't be posting it up right this second but after a couple of days I will so you can see it all in its well logo glory :p
Also forgot about this. I took this well not sure when but well yea here you go :p
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