Master Plan!!

Hmmm ok its not Master Plan more like. REvenGE!!! and as you read you will see why however if you are put off by an overweight guys opinion and Master Plan you should stop reading now.

Mwhaha!!!! I've got the laugh, the people who have done me wrong, who have hurt me and well now its my time or will be. Like any and all plans it will take some time before it actually takes affect. No this won't involve hurting anyone or anything of that nature. It will be simply me showing them that I am no longer over weight and well saying HA!!!! right in their face but other than that nothing else. You see I am 264lbs and I know you're thinking jesus christ! Don't worry I live in the middle of nowhere so there's no chance of me ever bumping into you make all the fat jokes you want I've heard them all at least twice. For my height, my ideal weight is around 150-170 so I'm going for about maybe around 155-165 somewhere around there.

Sure dieting and exercising won't be easy but I am determined more than ever and I have support so thats great as well something I've always needed and never really had. It might take me months and even years to get to my ideal weight but if I work hard at it I will be there in no time and then I can HA!!!! in every single girls face who has ever given me an 'oh my god' stare, laughed at me, judged me because I was heavy. You see I can remember almost every girl who has ever given me one of those 'oh my god' looks ok some were more like 'uch he's ::insert insult, or witty retort, or well anything will fit to be honest::.'

Now how do you know if you are on my list of HA's! well thats very easy, if you don't think you are, then you are or probably are there a few exceptions to that rule, well not many but yea. This is my master plan and my diet begins tomorrow..Phase one begins. :evil

