Yea, I know, I know :p I missed the second update for Mi Life and I'm sorry about that :p I am but not to fear there will be a new MI LIfe Strip udate sometime this week, and find out how the gator boy did on his date. You might be surprised, or you might not, but no matter what the storyline for MI Life will be slowly getting under way :D :P
To hold you over until the new strip is up I have a couple of drawings for you all to enjoy. I recently order some copic markers and decided to try them out and you'll see what I created the first is of Blackfire, just me screwing around to be honest. The second I did think this one out of Starfire she is always fun to draw. The last isn't a copic marker drawing, its actually a pencil drawing of Red Hood.
EDIT: Also if you notice things are a bit different here just bare with me I've signed up with the new beta blogger thingy and now going to try and make my blog even better than before!!
All Images unless specified © 2006 Christian Thomas. Drawings on this site may not be used without specific written permission by the Aristist.