MiLife: Strip # 002- Features the introduction of Mitchell's good friend or sort of nice friend called B to his friends and Bherry to every one else. He tells it how it is, and won't hesitate to exploit any situation that may arise. MiLife's very first story arc is about to begin next sunday find out how it all began for Mitchell, and that one faithful day meeting an incredible woman named Iliza.
Also MiLife related stay tuned for a new home for MiLife, I'll drop a link here when it goes up and all updates will be placed there. However discussion of each strip will be directed here to my blog. Until then Enjoy the newest strip, and yea, yea the writing sucks I'm still working on it. :p
All Images unless specified © 2006 Christian Thomas. Drawings on this site may not be used without specific written permission by the Aristist.