Name: Josette Papillon
Age: 188 Born 1612, April 26
Eye: Ice Blue
Hair: Reddish/Orange
Weapon::Josette wields a Sori-Shira blade specially made for her fighting style her blade measures four and a half feet long and at the point where the hilt and blade connect is a jagged spike, and is kept in a bamboo sheath that is tied securely around her right side.
Invulnerability to mortal weapons
Strength of 10 men
Shape shifting into a fox and dispel into a mist
Summoning Papillon Demon
Hypnotic mind control
Ebony Stone
Even before becoming a Vampire. Josette had always been attracted to power. Killing men in power to take over their houses and land, taking over one small town after another. She was eventually stopped by the workers she had enslaved when she took over different houses and land, before she was torn from her home beaten, raped and stabbed, left to die. However she was saved by her would soon to be new husband a vampire. Lord Papillon never saw her evil plan that had been set in motion after he had saved her life and eventually made her into a vampire.
It would take several years one hundred and twenty-five years to be exact before Josette would have her opportunity to kill her husband and take over as the clan leader of the Papillon's inheriting powers she had never thought possible with the aid of the Ebony stone her newly deceased husband wore around her neck, and now with aid of the stone her powers are continually growing and developing and soon will be far beyond any other clan leaders power, and hopefully strong enough to take out her master. The first master of all vampires the first to take its place.
Sudden loss of blood. ex. head severed from their body
must count every seed or grain put in her path ex. poppy seed commonly used
(Also Milife will not be updated this Sunday instead I leave you with the first of many Profiles on the Bohdi Characters.)
Bohdi Characters © 2006 Christian Thomas and may not be used without specific written permission by the Artist. This means hands off.