Milife: Strip # 005- Mitchell gets to enjoy a good meal at the high school cafeteria well can you really call it good? I guess it would depend on what highschool you went to. Because my high school cafeteria lunches weren't anything to stick around for. Though the lucky Mitchell now gets to decided which table to sit at, the popular kids table, the geeks, drama, the loner table. Can anyone take a guess at where a somewhat over weight shy kid in high school who has never had a girlfriend in his life would sit? You get one guess.
Also sorry to have this strip a little late, I didn't really know how I wanted it. I would have liked to have more people in the cafeteria, but I suck drawing crowds and crowds of people something I will have to eventually work on.
All Images unless specified © 2006 Christian Thomas. Drawings on this site may not be used without specific written permission by the Artist