All about my Master Plan: Read it here.
Listening to: A fool for your stockings (ZZtop)
Well the coupon code has run out so no more $10 off for any purchases over $25 thats all that I have really to update about. Lets see I've been in a little block but thats due to having quite a few things that I need to work on and well kind of just burning myself out on it all. Though I am slowly working through it focusing on certain areas. The schedule will go like this, Finish Blog Layout for Kory Anders, Draw a little, Get up my Commission E-bay auctions up and see if any one is truly interested in my work, last but not least if I have time I will be drawing out the first page on a standard comic art board its all layed out just need to go in and draw it all in.
Now before I leave you here is Wonder Girl drawn and colored. I told you that more Titans were coming and they are slowly but surely. Keep an eye out for Robin in a couple days.