All about my Master Plan: Read it here.
Listening to: ZZtop Rancho Texicano
We have much to update one thing is that we have a brand new layout! Yea look at it and be amazed well I did work hard on it and it is an original layout made by me so no stealing. Also you can now get to my Blog by going to www.stuffedlightningbolt.com . There is much I still need to work on and I believe that you will all notice that the links at the top need to be fixed because they go nowhere but just give me another day to get everything all fixed up and in working order.
But before I let you go I'll leave you here with a drawing and coloring of the Ravager that I have recently finished. I hope you all enjoy and well buy a shirt there is a coupon take a look <--- right over there to your left.